The family show RAAF, by artists Klara Sköldulf Phillip and Ronja Breuk, is Sweden's first modern high-wire show.
The traditional art of balancing on a tightrope high above the ground crosses with Below Zero's warm and choreographic aesthetic in a poetic dance at high altitude.
RAAF means raven in Dutch. The raven is an animal with a mythical meaning, a messenger, hovering between heaven and earth. An intelligent animal that lives in pairs for most of it’s life.
Experiencing RAAF is like looking at the clouds, a choreographed play where you can see shapes if you look long enough. The story revolves around friendship, sisterhood and life itself, where the dancers go their own way, but always stand by each other's side.
The traditional circus discipline high-wire is defined by the wire dancers balancing on a metal cable high above the ground, often with a long balance stick in their hands. Sometimes the wire dancers are secured, but usually not. High-wire is a circus discipline with a high tension level, where every mistake can be devastating. RAAF promises a high technical wire dance for the whole family, with the aesthetics of a watercolor picture book.
Links and
Idéa and concept: Ronja Breuk & Klara Sköldulf Philipp
Direction: Camilla Hammarström
Artists: Ronja Breuk & Klara Sköldulf Philipp
Choreography: Camilla Hammarström, Naomi Bratthammar, Mariona Moya Monsuñer
Costume: Saara Ahola, Ute Hinz
Scenography: Josefina Enevold, Joel Jedström, Ben Collins, Bruno Tardat
Photo: Jonathan Morell, Isak Stockås, Vivian Klein
Video: Jonathan Morell, Mathias Rohdin
Technical supervising: Ulf Poly Nolin, Mattias Lindström, Math Horton, Stefan “Drake” Karlström
Production: Below Zero -
KULTURRÅDET, Stockholms Stad, Konstnärsnämnden, Riksteatern, Subtopia, Cirkus Cirkör, Cirkuslyftet Sundsvall, Centre Europeen de Funambulisme, Circanaria, Coraggio Culture Centre, Idéfarmen, Ytterjärna Kulturhus, Naked Ape.
Kulturrätten, Kulturkatalogen väst, Barnkultur öst, Kulan, Region Stockholm.
Looks empty at the moment!
Stay tuned to see where we’ll go next!
Contact: info@belowzerocompany.com
STRTFSTVL - Ulft, Netherlands - 22, 23 February
Dynamo Workspace - Odense, Denmark - 22, 23, 24 August 2024
Täby - Täby, Sweden - 31 August 2024
Sundsvall Mittifestival - Sundsvall, Sweden - 28, 29 September 2024
Dynamo Workspace - Odense, Denmark - 13, 14 April 2024
Kulturumteatern - Sigtuna, Sweden - 14 February 2024
Circus Station - Vilnius, Lithuania - 11 December 2023
Circus Station - Visaginas, Lithuania - 8 December 2023
SUBTOPIA - Stockholm, Sweden - 13 September 2023
WAVES festival - Vordingborg, Denmark - 25, 26 August 2023
BORKHULTSDAGEN - Borkhult, Sweden - 20 August 2023